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Schiff Các bệnh lý Gan toàn tập, 12e

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The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver For more than 55 years, “Schiff” has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world. This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes a companion website that features a wide-variety of accessory materials. The text is evidence-based to offer hepatologists and gastroenterologists treating patients with liver disease a comprehensive and essential resource. The text highlights clinical practice and covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and the effects of liver disease on other organs. The book is written in clear and accessible terms and key features include: Treatment guidelines and management algorithms for every disease Full-color attractive design throughout the text Informative section overviews for each section Concise key concepts box in every chapter A full liver transplant section This 12th edition is thoroughly revised with the latest clinical information. The new edition offers: Information on acute and chronic liver failure and infections in cirrhosis Over 100 MCQs Downloads for Powerpoint(TM) making the content ideal for presentations Schiff’s Diseases of the Liver is designed to be a first-stop reference for dealing with today’s demanding clinical situations.

Title: Schiff’s diseases of the liver 12th edition
Author(s): Maddrey, Willis C.; Reddy, K. Rajender; Schiff, Eugene R
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Year: 2018 Edition:Twelfth edition
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): \1225
ISBN: 9781119251316, 1119251311 ID: 2178419
Size:302 MB Extension:pdf

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