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Phẫu thuật nội tiết dựa trên bằng chứng
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Dược lý trị liệu cho Y sĩ và Điều dưỡng hành nghề
Toàn tập viêm cầu thận, ấn bản 2019
Hình ảnh đau: Phương pháp tiếp cận lâm sàng-X quang để chẩn đoán đau, 2019

This new edition of Paediatric Dentistry is a trustworthy guide to the essentials of paediatric dentistry for both students and practitioners alike.

Written in a user-friendly style, this textbook contains over 18 fully up-to-date and comprehensive chapters. All content has been carefully structured to ensure the reader is provided with both key theoretical and practical information on paediatric dental care. Chapter content ranges from dental trauma and child safeguarding through to prevention and restorative treatments, in addition to further content on oral surgery and paediatric oral medicine. Each chapter is complemented by the use of key point boxes, full colour illustrations, and photographs to enhance the understanding clinical technique. With recommended further reading and extensive key references, this core text also encourages students to critically analyse and evaluate evidence.

Edited by a team of experts in the field, this is an excellent introduction to the field of paediatric dentistry for both undergraduate and post-graduate students as well as a key source of reference for practising clinicians.

Title: Paediatric dentistry 5th edition
Author(s): Richard Welbury et al.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year: 2018 Edition: 5th
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 409\409
ISBN: ID:2228902
Size: 100 MB Extension:pdf

Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 409 trang – 100 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE

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