With major advances in technology there are thousands of clinical and laboratory tests available, forming a key part of the diagnostic process in the highly complex field of modern medicine. This handbook provides a patient-orientated approach to investigation, with a comprehensive review of specialty-related tests. Written in the Oxford Handbook style, this book features references and up-to-date website links for extra clinical detail.
This new edition has been revised to include the most recent developments in investigatory tests, with clear step-by-step instructions and updated illustrations to provide greater clarifying background to the text. Written by an experienced team of active clinicians, this is invaluable for junior doctors as a quick reference, as well as senior medical students preparing for examinations.
Being a member of the superb Oxford Handbook series, I automatically assume this book will be very good and put very simply, it is very good and certainly lives up to its heritage. Donât be put off by the title handbook; this is a chunky but portable book that is full of useful information about the numerous tests we order on a daily as well as infrequent basis. The net result is a book that many of us would want to own and a book in the right hands is likely to be used often.” — Dr Harry Brown, Glycosmedia
About the Author
Drew Provan, Honorary Reader in Autoimmune Haematology, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dr Provan is currently Honorary Reader in Autoimmune Haematology at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. He studied molecular genetics at Leicester University before studying medicine. After junior medical posts in the UK, I undertook research at The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute from 1993-4 on an American Traveling fellowship awarded by the Medical Research Council.
As a general haematologist, his main area of interest within the field of haematology is immunohaematology which includes diseases such as autoimmune thrombocytopenia (ITP), neutropenia and haemolytic anaemia.
He has written several medical books including Molecular Haematology (Blackwell Science), Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology and Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, and the ABC of Clinical Haematology (BMJ books).
Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 4th Edition, Kindle Edition
by Drew Provan (Editor)
File Size: 14876 KB
Print Length: 969 pages
Publisher: OUP Oxford; 4 edition (February 2, 2018)
Publication Date: February 2, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B079J1C2K2
Định dạng sách: PDF – 969 trang – 12 MB – Google Drive
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