Trang chủY học cơ sởGiải phẫu học

Giải phẫu học lâm sàng dành cho Sinh viên Y khoa và các bác sĩ trẻ 14e

Liệu pháp nano trong ung thư: Vật liệu, Chẩn đoán và ứng dụng lâm sàng, ấn bản 2022
Gray Giải phẫu học dành cho Sinh viên y khoa, phiên bản 4 [2019]
Cẩm nang về Nguyên tắc và Thực hành Ung thư Phụ khoa, Ấn bản thứ 3, 2022
Sổ tay lâm sàng Ngoại khoa Oxford, ấn bản thứ 5, 2022
Atlas các phương pháp phẫu thuật chỉnh hình chi dưới, ấn bản 2022

Now in its fourteenth edition, Clinical Anatomy is the definitive text offering medical students, postgraduate trainees and junior doctors the anatomical information they need to succeed in a clinical setting.

Professor Harold Ellis and Professor Vishy Mahadevan provide an accessible, comprehensive, and detailed exploration of anatomy, specifically designed for students and trainees at all levels. Revised and updated, the fourteenth edition contains more information about the nervous system as well as medical images, diagrams and photographs that are overlaid with anatomical illustrations, revealing detailed surface anatomy. This edition:

Puts greater emphasis on clinical relevance and contains more content for non-surgical trainees
Offers a variety of illustrative clinical scenario case studies
Contains many more medical images and diagrams such as CT and MRI
Presents expanded information on the nervous system
Includes a companion website that contains digital flashcards of all the illustrations and photographs presented in the book
Written for medical students, junior doctors, and those studying for The Royal College of Surgeons examinations, the new edition of Clinical Anatomy continues to be an essential resource for understanding the basics of clinical anatomy.

BOOK Details____
Title: Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th edition
Author(s): Harold Ellis, Vishy Mahadevan
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Year: 2018 Edition: 14th Edition
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 491\491
ISBN: 978-1-119-32551-2 ID: 2338613
Size: 33 MB (34887823 B) Extension: pdf

Tải sách: Định dạng PDF – 491 trang – 33 MB – GOOGLE DRIVE

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